Grade 8 FIE Proposal

(Final Instrument of Evaluation)
A correspondence between yourselves and a traveller.  The traveller will voyage through time, experience events first during a decade of the twentieth century, describe myssterious and strange settings, and follow an obscure twentieth century artist in a different decade as he / she somehow presents his / her works.  Then the characters will all  becomes involved in a suspenseful and evloving, fictional series of events .

Components and Percent:

A Preface  10 percent
[A narrative introduction which includes the presentation of two characters, a motive and method for time travel, and an arrangement as to the method of corresondence.]

An Essay styled report.  20 percent.
[ An essay styled report on an important event in a particular decade, researched and recorded by the student, but reported by  the time travelling pen pal in the context of the greater fiction of the epistolary novel]
(follows essay unit and Time Capsule Projects' response to Helen Keller's essay)

Imaginative Description  10 percent
[A response on the part of the person staying in the year 2000, in the form of an imaginative setting description detailing the way a city evolved after the presence of the time traveller had disturbed the course of history.
(follows components of narrative study focussing on setting in "A Mountain Legend" , Maelstrom II and excerpts from "Invisible Cities")

Biography  15 percent
[A response from the traveller announcing a change of time and a voyage to the time of a famous writer or artist in a different decade.  Somhow includes a  Biography on a  20th century artist or writer, done as though the traveller had encountered that artist and reported back to the person staying in 2000.]
(includes statement and description of character and foreshadowing elements )

Poetry  15 percent
[ Four poems of varying types must be inserted into the narrative of the whole FIE project at any point in which the context effectively permits their use.
( Work on these poems is done in conjunction with our practice of various forms of poetry.)

Short story involving conflict  20 percent

[One suspenseful short story which takes off from the moment of meeting the artist  and evolves into a full short story that involves the artist as a major or minor character.  Must include all of the  various elements of a short story]
(follows suspense short story study and review of key elements in a short story)

Illustrations 10 percent

1 cover design and 4 postcard or envelope or inside the letter designs will be considered for marking.
A mark of 20 for each will be given based on appropriateness, imaginativeness, and physical placement in the project.
The mark out of 100 will then be converted into a mark out of ten for the Illustration mark.